Papercuts- Papiers Découpés
Public Art
Artist Books - Livres d'Artiste

Garden of Knowledge
An original work commissioned by the State of Florida Arts Council for P.K. Yonge DRS, University of Florida, Gainesville
Purchased with funds provided by Florida’s Art in State Building Program

Garden of Knowledge Garden of Knowledge
Garden of Knowledge Garden of Knowledge
Garden of Knowledge Garden of Knowledge Garden of Knowledge Garden of Knowledge
Garden of Knowledge Garden of Knowledge Garden of Knowledge
Garden of Knowledge installation
Garden of Knowledge VV garden
installation installation installation installation 7
installation installation installation  

Rooted in the community and reaching for the sky, giant flowers bloom with knowledge and provide many chances for transformation. The artwork provides many subjects of studies hidden in the design and invites interpretation. What do you see?

The sculpture celebrates the school mission to be a space for the student to blossom and keep roots in the community.

Nature and culture are the theme represented on giant flowers and invite students to discover multiple symbols.

The garden of knowledge consists of 3 structures. Each structure is composed of three giant metal flowers adorned with butterfly students.

One butterfly has computer elements, another has a welcome message for P.K.Yonge students in english and spanish, and the last ones is adorned with math formulas:

Pythagorean theorem a^2 + b^2 = c^2
Mysteries of infinity 1 = 0.999999999…
Euler’s formula e^{i\pi }+1=0
Einstein’s Relativity E = mc^2
Math joke (I Ate Some Pie) √-1 2^3 ∑


© 2020 Béatrice Coron All rights reserved